Nike Waffle Trainer 1977 "MADE FAMOUS BY WORD OF FOOT ADVERTISING." Vintage Sneaker Ad

Here’s a vintage 1970s vintage Nike Waffle Trainer print ad. This ad’s photography seems to have served as inspo and was riffed on later in 1979 by the Jaclar Ms. Miler runners here. The original vintage Nike ad is posted over at our Rewind Running web shop here.

Ad info is below:


We don't have to tell you about the reputation of Nike running shoes. You already know. Because you're a serious runner. You've seen them on training tracks and fields all over the country.

You know them for their quality. Their lightweight, and long life. Mostly, you know them for the innovative design that always seems to show up first on Nike. We believed if we could build a shoe that was good enough to meet the demands of serious runners like you, the word would spread fast.

And it has. Today, our shoes do most of our advertising for us. And the name Nike is famous. We'd like to thank you for all the ads you've been running for us. On your feet.


8285 SW Nimbus Ave. Suite 115

Beaverton, Oregon 97005

Osaga "Keep Me Moving" Vintage 1978 Women's Running Shoes Sneakers Print Ad

Here’s a 1970s vintage sneaker advertisement for the Osaga women’s running shoes and warm-up suit. This original vintage Osaga ad is available over at our Rewind Running web store here.

Ad info is below:

my osagas keep me moving.

I don’t need a famous athlete to tell me that my shoes will last longer and my feet will feel better.

My Osagas wear longer on the streets than ANY other running shoe… and on the streets is where I run. Every morning.

My Osagas keep me moving because they wear longer and my feet feel better.

Try a pair yourself…you’ll see.


If you are unable to locate these products in your area, write to us and we will direct you to the nearest store. If you prefer to shop by mail, enclose check or money order.

Sky Blue Arnel Hooded Warm-up $35.95 plus $ 1.00 handling

Women's sizes available S M L XL

Sky Blue Nylon Running Shoe $21.95 plus $ 1.00 handling

Women's (medium width) 5 5½ 6 6½ 7 7½ 8 8½ 9 9½ 10 11

OSAGA Retail, 2620 West 10th Place, Eugene, OR 97402

Kinney Shoes NBA 1970s Upside Down Swoosh vintage sneaker poster

Here’s a cool old school poster from Kinney NBA. The Kinney Shoes NBA 1970s Upside Down Swoosh vintage sneaker poster is an iconic piece that captures the essence of sports culture in the 70s. The poster showcases several pairs of Kinney Shoes with a unique upside-down swoosh and 4 stripe logos alongside the official NBA logo. The sneakers themselves are a classic representation of the era, with bold colors and designs. Kinney considered themselves to be “The Great American Shoe Store” and was massive at the time but eventually faded and later went on to found Foot Locker. The poster artwork was made by Ray Caram of Milano Studios in Long Island, NY. If you’re interested in more Kinney history check out this vintage commercial here.

'Sneaks Preview' 1977 vintage article featuring Nike, adidas, Keds, New Balance and PONY sneakers

Here’s an old school ‘Sneakers Preview’ feature from the rock n’roll magazine Circus. The article features vintage 1970s sneakers and running shoes form Nike, adidas, New Balance, Keds and PONY.

Article info is below:


How To Choose The Sneaker That’s Right For You

By Tad Wise

No matter what you do, or where you do it, these days there's a special sneaker to do it in. There are sneakers for every sport from ping-pong to parachuting; the Adidas com-pany alone manufactures over 200 types, which vary in weight, support, durability, flexibility, and tread . . . in addition to price. That's a lot of variables, and they can make sneaker shopping a con-fusing task. So here we present the basics in sneaker selection: how to choose the sneak that's best for your body, your sport, and your bank account.


First thing you should understand is that "sneakers" is an outdated term; today, these pieces of footwear are called "specialized athletic shoes." You can pay as much as $50 for a pair of running shoes, or get an old reliable sneaker somewhere around $15. It all depends on your needs. The old sneaker consisted mainly of canvas cloth mount-ed on rubber soles, with a pad of foam rubber laid inside. These sneaks wore out quickly. The modern sneaker, on the other hand, has an upper half made out of nylon and leather—both of which are more expensive and durable than canvas. Leather is used because it's tough; it supports and protects feet better, at the same time lasting longer. Nylon is the lightest material in sneaker construction, allow-ing the foot to "breathe," keeping it cooler, less sweaty, and less prone to blistering. It won't rot (like canvas), but it will wear and tear if misused. Modern sneakers vary in the amount of material used (thickness as well as surface space). For those who need protection and support over speed, an all-leather sneaker is in order. Most popular sneakers compromise, with leather at heel and toe sewed onto a nylon core. And to answer the ques-tion "How long do these new fandangled things last?", there's good news: shoe repair shops are beginning to retread sneakers. If you've bought a good pair, they'll be worth retreading. One important note for teenagers: it doesn't make sense for someone who's still growing to buy an expensive sneaker that will last twice as long as he or she can use it. Remember, you're growing fast, so don't just go for snob appeal or snazzy sneaks that cost a bundle. You'll be out of them in no time, and poorer for it. If you're tough on your sneaks, buy one of the rugged originals: a P.F. Flyer or a Keds—they're cheaper, and for this kind of treatment, better than hot stuff shoes. Unless, of course, you opt for expensive leather for pro-tection. On the other hand, if someone is a highly competitive athlete in a reasonably rough sport, the difference be-tween a mediocre and a great sneaker may mean the dif-ference between excellent performance and injury. If you're investing a lot of time and energy in the sport, money for proper equipment is an investment. But don't buy a sneaker for its looks or its name. One salesman put it this way: "There are more kids buying Pumas or Adidas to impress one another than there are athletes. 'Athletes buy the newer designs, and get more for their money." Where to Buy: In the big cities, buy your sneaks in big retail outlets. They may be able to slash $5-6 dollars from the list prices (especially with the newer, expensive makes). Adidas is the exception to this; wherever you buy them, their price is pretty consistent. Whatever you do, don't buy through the mails: sizes vary, and even though the sneakers are returnable, it's a drag when they don't fit. (Continued on following page)

Key To The Sneaker Scene

The following is a key a the sneaker photo on the opposite page. The prices listed are the manufacturers' suggested retail prices.

  1. Nike LD 1000 ($39.99)

  2. Tretorn Leather Tennis ($32.99)

  3. Converse Jack Purcell ($14.99)

  4. New Balance 320 Running Shoe ($27.99)

  5. Adidas SL 72 ($30.99)

  6. Pro-Keds Canvas Basketball ($13.99)

  7. Adidas Country ($27.99)

  8. Pony Hi-Leather Basketball ($29.99)

Illustration by Kitty Wise

Shoes courtesy of “The Athletes Foot,” 34 E. 8th Street, New York, N.Y.

Fit: Leave some room. The tendency, after getting accustomed to tight winter shoes and boots, is to buy a sneaker that Its snug. Don't make this mistake. Buy a little large, and don't walk out with anything that's the tiniest hit uncomfortable—once at play, it's gonna hurt. Remember that due to increased blood circulation, feet such during exercise. When trying on the sneaks, wear the type of socks you play in. If, despite your growing feet, the expensive model is too beautiful or comfortable to resist, buy a larger size, wear two pairs of socks, and cut down to one as you grow into the sneaker.

Price: There are three clusters of price at a decently sized store. For the growing teenager, the sneaker shouldn't run more than $16. For the full-grown amateur athlete, a sneaker should run around $20. Pro models will run anywhere between $25 and $40.

Guarantee: Make sure the store will replace defective shoes Even the best snakes put out a lemon now and then. Needless to say, keep the receipt.

Sneaker Care: Use suede cleaner on leather. For nylon and canvas, soap and water do the job just fine. (P.S.— Just washing your sneakers won't prolong their life, but it will keep them smelling and looking better—and that's more important to others than you might suspect.)


Basketball: There are two extremely important things to consider when buying basketball shoes: material and height. Canvas or leather? This one is a toss-up. Canvas is much cheaper, but leather provides much better support. You'll find pro ballplayers wearing both. If you're serious about the game, leather is probably your best bet, though. High or low? About this, there's no question. In a fast-moving sport like basketball, you need support—so go for the high shoe. In all cases, make sure there's a substantial arch to — keep cramps (from jumps and landings) at a minimum. Look for a criss-cross tread for the best grip on hardwood floors. Converse All-Stars and Pro-Keels are the high-school player's all-round sneaker, and they run around $14. Nike and Pony are fast becoming favorites with their lose-price quality line, which include high-leather sneakers at around $30. Adidas leather high-tops go for $35.

Running: The sensitive spot on a runner's foot is his heel. City runners in particular need a lot of cushion here. Make sure there's a good 'fix inch of crushable sponge sandwiched between the heel tread and the plastic plate immediately under the upper shoe. Cross-country runners will want better grip for wet grass and mud; their treads should look like a series of W's, i.e., wwwwwwwwwww. The front ones should tilt back to grab when running up hills, the rear ones should tilt forward to prevent slip-ping when coming downhill. Wide shoes (Both Brooks and Puma put out a special, wider line) are more stable, but they're also bulkier. Runner's World Magazine rates all serious running shoes every year. This year, New Balance's model 320 was voted number one, and Brooks' Villa Nova number 2. New Balance goes around $28, Brooks around $20.

Tennis: Tennis shoes have to be equipped for the twists, turns and changes in direction that accompany the game, and they have to do all that without tearing up the court too much. The thin zig-zag tread is a good, all-around bottom. Get flat treads, though, if you'll be playing ex-clusively on clay courts. For concrete and asphalt, stay away from nylon shoes (they'll evaporate) and opt for more rugged shoes—leather—or cheaper canvas, which will be cooler. Converse and Adidas both offer functional canvas sneakers around $14. From there, a different kind of sneaker will appear just about every two dollars, 'til Tretorn tops out with an immensely comfortable leather shoe at $33.

Puma Lite Riders vintage sneaker ad from 1978

Here's a great old school 1970s sneaker ad for Puma Lite Riders vintage running shoes. This original vintage ad is from 1978 and is available over at our Rewind Running web shop.

Puma’s new Lite Riders. 

It's a long, uphill pull beginning at the six-mile mark. You want to flow up the grade, flatten it out, drive hard at the finish. You've trained hard. You're fit. You've done everything you can do. Now give yourself the best of it. Go for a PR in PUMA's Lite Riders, a revolutionary new racing shoe.

Built to minimize stress and the shock of impact over all distances, Lite Rider is a product of the superior technology which produced the famous Easy Rider training shoe series. Light as a feather but steel-tough to with-stand the pressure of racing, Lite Rider stresses durability, comfort and a remarkable new sole featuring shock-absorbing rows of angled cones. Footstrike brings Lite Rider's angled cones against the pavement edge first and their angles allow them to move more efficiently than thick, straight cones. A one-piece upper holds the foot comfortably and securely. A thick, tough wedge supplies extra support.

Lite Rider is a moccasin-type shoe with no hard insole. The heel is built on a track last. And a heavily reinforced toe area consists of a tough rubber lip bonded to suede leather.

Those who have worn it say it's the finest, most comfortable racing shoe they have ever tried. We're not surprised. That's the way we built it.

You'll see what we mean when you run in it. 

The Sole Secret. 
PUMA designers, searching for a more efficient method of absorbing the shock of footstrike, have created a sole featuring angled rows of small rubber cones. Angling allows impact to be softened by the sharp edges of the cones. In addition, the angle creates extra shock-absorbing movement by the cones. The cushioning effect of more than 150 of the 1/4 inch cones under the power stress of racing provides a floating effect and unsurpassed traction. Because of more efficient shock-resisting qualities PUMA can make the Lite Rider with harder, longer-wearing rubber. The secret is in the sole. 

Lite Rider from PUMA The Great Cat Family. Meowww. 

The Great Cat Family

New Balance W320 Vintage women's running shoes ad from 1978

This one is for the ladies. Today we’ve got an old school New Balance W320 vintage women's running shoes ad from 1978. This original vintage sneaker ad is available over at our web store.

Ad info is below:

new width sizing for women

the W320

Yes, New Balance's top-rate road trainer, the 320, now comes in a special model for women runners. Called the W320, it's designed on a woman's athletic combination last with a heel two sizes narrower for a snugger fit throughout the heel and Achilles tendon area. Otherwise, it's the same great trainer - with full width sizing (women's 4AA-10D, soft one-piece upper, unique arch-support saddle, and durable protective sole/wedge/midsole combination. In Royal Blue and White with distinctive Red logo. New Balance's W320 - the first running shoe truly fit for women.


New balance

38 Everett Street

Boston, Massachusetts 01234

Distributed in Canada by Sport Dinaco Inc. of Laval, Quebec.

Brooks Vantage, Lady Vantage, Vantage Supreme and Vantage Supreme 1978 vintage sneaker ad

Today we’ve go an old school ad for Brooks running shoes featuring their Vantage, Lady Vantage, Vantage Supreme and Vantage Supreme model runners from 1978. This original vintage print advertisement is available over at our Rewind Running web store.

Ad info is below:

designed for dedicated runners ...

Vantage, the training flat Runner's World rated #1 **and Lady Vantage, are designed with improved breathable nylon mesh uppers, lacing loops, Varus Wedge,* Soft Support System with Heel Cup, reinforced racing stud sole* and the innovative perforated mid-sole.*

Vantage Supreme and Lady Vantage Supreme

have a stitch less all leather vamp and durable woven nylon uppers plus the Varus Wedge*, Soft Support System with Heel Cup, reinforced racing stud sole* and innovative perforated mid-soles.*

All Brooks VANTAGE models feature:

Reinforced Racing Stud Sole*. The outside heel strike area of the sole has been built-up to increase wearability and special racing studs afford increased traction.

Perforated Mid-Sole with scientifically aligned perforations that greatly increase both the shock absorption and flexibility characteristics while decreasing weight.

Soft Support System with Heel Cup is designed to seat the heel in the shoe for increased comfort and better control while also cushioning the metatarsal heads at toe off. Compression forms the Soft Support System materials to provide continued positive f it.

Varus Wedge*, a mid-sole wedge which is approximately 3 to 4 degrees thicker at the inner portion of the heel to equalize the force of heel contact or foot strike. This permits even distribution of impact shock while lessening abnormal pronation of the foot.

At Brooks it's how you rate our shoes that counts!

BROOKS Shoe Mfg. Co. Inc Hanover, Pa. 17331

Autry Jetstreamers 1981 vintage sneaker ad

Here's a 1981 Autry Jetstreamers vintage sneaker ad featuring the Concorde, Cloud Nine, Mach III and New Jet model running shoes. 👟🔥 Autry shoes began as Autry Rubber Company in Dallas, Texas then later became Autry Industries. This original vintage Autry print ad is available over at our Rewind Running web store.

Ad info is below:

The “Jetstreamers.”

Four remarkable running shoes that swept the RW 5-Star Ratings!

All four Autry "Jetstreamers" are 5-Star Rated by Runner's World. With new features like Natural Flex* for superior flexibility. Plus extra long wearing soles and superb impact pro- tection. Incredibly lightweight, too! With the same lean, aerodynamic styl- ing you've come to expect from Autry. Take off with one of our new RW 5-Star "Jetstreamers." Feel how smooth a flight can be.

All Autry's have it.

Look for the marks of the three distinctive chevrons and "Circle A." Discover why everybody's running Autry.

*pat. pend.

"Jetstreamers" clockwise from left: "Con- corde" men's trainer; "Cloud Nine" women's trainer; "New Jet" men's trainer; "Mach III" men's trainer (women's and children's "Mach III" styles available).



Runner's World Magazine



Autry Industries, Inc.,

P.O. Box 59149, Dallas, Texas 75229 214/241-7793

Pro-Specs Cross Country Joggers 1978 vintage sneaker ad featuring David McGillivray

Today we’ve got a 1978 vintage Pro-Specs Cross Country Joggers vintage sneaker ad featuring runner David McGillivray who ran across the U.S. to benefit the Jimmy Fund and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.. These old school runners have a strong resemblance to the Nike Waffle trainer. This original vintage print ad is available over at our Rewind Running web shop.

Ad info is below:

David McGillivray is running across America with courage, confidence and Pro-Specs Joggers.

If you'd like to be in David McGillivray's shoes, you should be in ours.

A lot of runners would love to share the challenge of running across America. But for now David McGillivray is living the ultimate runner's fantasy alone. And when he strode off on his forty mile a day, three thousand mile odyssey, he strode out in Pro-Specs. Your journeys won't be as long but your choice of footwear can be every bit as important. And that's why you should look into SPECS ATHLETIC SHOES with the special long lasting sole.

Pro-Specs. The cross country shoes that actually crossed a country. Specs International, Inc. Avon, Mass. 02322

Brooks vintage Super Villanova 1970s sneakers ad

Here’s a great 1978 colorful vintage print ad for the Brooks Super Villanova vintage running shoes. This original vintage sneaker print ad is available over at our Rewind Running web store.

Ad info is below:

New from BROOKS

Super Villanova

To the hundreds of thousands of runners that were so pleased with the Brooks Villanova, we present...

Super Villanova with the great features and value of the original Villanova, plus the scientifically designed perforated mid-sole· for greater cushioning and flexibility, plus the Brooks racing stud sole.

In addition, Brooks Super Villanova has the wide flared heel, crepe heel wedge, full padded heel, terry cloth sock lining, arch support, nylon upper with suede leather tip and counter pocket. Half and full sizes 4 - 12 and 13. Once you try the Brooks Super Villanova we believe you'll give them your personal endorsement!

*Pat. Pend.



Various 1970s running shoes vintage Nike, Brooks, adidas, Puma, New Balance and more

Here’s a 1977 vintage sneaker ad for Starting Line Sports featuring vintage runners from Nike, Brooks, adidas, Puma, New Balance, Etonic, Tiger and Converse. This original vintage Starting Line Sports print ad is available at our web store

Outside of that, seeing as today is New Year’s Day, we hope everyone has a very Happy New Year and an awesome 2023.

Ad info is below:

You demand the best.

We've got them!

Nike LD-1000 V

New Balance 320

Adidas Formula I

Puma Easy Rider

Adidas TRX

Brooks 430 Vantage

Etonic KM Street Fighter

Tiger Ohbori

Brooks Texan

Tiger Spartan B

Nike Vainqueur

Brooks Victress

Nike Waffle Trainer

Adidas Runner

Nike Elite

Converse World Class Trainer

Brooks 430 Delta

Tiger Montreal

You rate only the best. That's just what you get when you order from Starting Line Sports. Highest quality. Top manufacturers. Widest selection. For the finest in running shoes, you can depend on Starting Line Sports.

Vintage New Balance Trail, Supercomp, 320 and CrossCountry 1970s running shoes

Here’s a 1977 vintage ad for New Balance featuring some awesome old school sneakers including the Trail, Supercomp, 320 and CrossCountry.

Ad info is below:

We make shoes for runners. You may have heard about our New Balance 320 — the top-ranked training shoe in last year's Runner's World rating. But we manufacture a half-dozen other models as well, all just as carefully crafted, including two brand-new shoes specially designed for cross-country work yet tough enough for top performance on hard surfaces. And the new line features several refinements on last year's models: Fuller. boxier toes. Higher, tricot-lined heel counters. Flared soles for increased stability. New Poron 4000 insoles for greater comfort and breathability. Plus New Balance's unique combination of width sizing and total comfort. We give you a run for your money.


320: Runner's World rated last year's 320 the best training shoe available, but we haven't been standing around on our laurels. This year's model adds Poron' 4000 insoles, a more spacious toe, a padded. fuller heel counter, and new comfort modifications to the upper. We've also introduced a slight serration to the midsole from ball of toot to shank, for softer, suppler flex as well as unparalleled shock attenuation. Our 320 is still the ultimate training shoe. Men and women. 3'/2AA to 15EEEE. in Royal Blue with White trim.

Trail: Designed for trail training but tough enough for road work too, our new Trail has a rounded-stud sole of Alphacrepe that sheds dirt and mud easily without sacrificing traction on wet or sandy surfaces. The Sottcrepe midsole/ wedge combination provides excellent anti-shock cushioning. Backed with 1:6" tricot foam for maximum comfort and breathability, the circular-knit polyester-mesh upper actually wicks off excess heat and moisture. Men and women. 31/2AA to 15EEEE. in Electric Blue with Red midsole.

SuperComp: Bright-colored and better, only the name is the same as last year's SuperComp. The breathable polyester-mesh upper maximizes ventilation and allows your foot to "work" freely. The Poron • 4000 insole reduces other friction and heat build-up, while the new wedge; midsole combination of Levitate reduces weight while increasing shock absorbency. The brush-con-figuration sole is ultra-durable Lydec*. for excellent traction on roads and synthetic tracks. Men and women, 31 AA to 15EEEE, in Sunburst Yellow. Burnt Orange, and Flare Red.

CrossCountry: Our new off-road competition shoe that's tough enough and cushioned enough for hard surfaces too. The light, flexible. studded Alphacrepe sole maximizes traction while minimizing dirt pick-up. The soft, comfortable upper incorporates our new, higher toe design for increased lateral support and ampler toe space. Men and women. 31/:AA to 15EEEE, in Burnt Orange with White trim.

new balance athletic shoes usa

Spalding Action Footwear 1978 Vintage Sneaker Ad

Here’s an old school ad from 1978 for Spalding’s runners at Florsheim Shoe Shops. This original vintage advertisement is available over at

Ad info is below:

Impact absorbing wedge $27.95

Flared shock absorbing heel $29.95

Lightweight, durable canvas uppers $16.95

Cushioned comfort soles $26.95

Any Way You Look at Them, They’re Champion Performers.

Introducing Spalding action footwear.

Take a good look at these new Spalding styles. Any way you look at them, they can start you on your personal path to glory. Action traction bottoms. Com-fortable, long wearing uppers. Inspired performers in a wide range of sizes. A must for every amateur professional. That's why they deserve the Spalding name. And that's why you'll only find them at our Florsheim Shoe Shops. Because we fea-ture only the finest footwear for the man-on-the-move. So come on in and walk, jog or sprint on out in ready for action


Minneapolis: 530 Nicollet Ave. • St. Paul: 401 Wabasha Street • Rosedale Shopping Center • • Brookdale Center • Southdale Center • Maplewood Mall • Ridgedale Center • Burnsville Center American Express cards welcome along with most major credit cards.

Runners World 1977 women's running shoes 1970s vintage sneakers

This one is for the ladies. Here’s the cover for the Runner’s World 1977 women’s sneaker, flats and spikes rankings. The article features the Nike LD-1000, adidas Quicksilver, Etonic KM and some other old school runners.

Runners World 1977 Top 15 featuring Nike Elite 1970s vintage sneakers

Here’s the inside cover for the Runner’s World 1977 Top 15 Racing Flats section featuring the vintage Nike Elite runners.

Runners World 1977 Top 25 featuring Brooks, adidas and Nike 1970s vintage sneakers

Here’s the inside cover for the 1977 Runner’s World Top 25 rated training flats featuring the Brooks Vantage, adidas SL76 and Nike waffle vintage sneakers.

Osaga KT-26 a step ahead 1979 vintage sneaker ad

Here’s another vintage 1970’s sneaker ad for the Osaga KT-26 model running shoes. This ad covers their cantilevered sole with “kinetic levers” to dissipate shock absorption.

Ad info is below:

The revolutionary new Osaga KT-26 was designed for serious runners. The bio-kinetic construction of the KT-26 dissipates shock upon impact and deflects it away from the foot and leg. The tough, outside ribs of the cantilevered sole —called kinetic levers — spread upon impact, absorbing the shock and forcing it outward. Part of the absorbed shock, however, is stored in the levers and released during the flow of ground contact, springing you forward. This is kinetic response, the key element in the development of the Osaga KT-26. A rigid heel counter and uppers of soft, crushable nylon and nylon mesh combine to give the men's and women's KT-26 maximum comfort and breathability, even on the hottest days and longest runs. The KT-26 for women is constructed on a woman's last and features true slim widths in most sizes. For cushioning, comfort and durability, the Osaga KT-26, is clearly, a step ahead.

Osaga KT-26 a step ahead


Runner's World Magazine

For the amazing facts on the KT-26 and other Osaga products, write to: Osaga, Inc., 2468 West 11th, Eugene, OR 97402. U.S. and Foreign Patents Pending. Osaga will assert its patent rights against infringers.

The competitive sports division Eugene, Oregon U.S.A.

adidas 1977 Formula I Formel 1 running shoes vintage sneakers

Here’s another 1977 vintage ad for the adidas Formula 1. This sneaker has ben rebranded as the Racing 1 and if you’re interested in buying them now we have posted them over on our updated Top 10 Retro Runners list or check out the adidas affiliate link below.

The original vintage print ad is available at our web store

Ad info is below:

Road Test: Formula I

Special traction profile makes this shoe highly responsive. Extended sole and racing spoiler stores up touch-down energy and throws leg into longer stride at lift­-off. Time-saving ghilly lacing makes for quicker starts.

Special arrangement of profile eliminates lateral slip – the main cause of knee injuries. Combined effect of carefully determined width of heel, extended sole area and grooved wedge reduces heel impact by 25%. Full padding and heel counter built in as standard.


Excellent shock absorption on any road surface. All-round grooving of wedge provides a smooth, yet positive ride.


Perfect stability achieved through flared heel and thick wedge. Special sole profile (developed in collaboration with the Automobile Industry) holds the road and ensures perfect traction.


No overheating. The uppers – made of nylon and leather – provide perfect air cooling where it’s needed.


On long distances, a real energy saver (see performance). Durable quality rubber profile developed to provide out-standing mileage for money.

Optional extras: your feet. Just for the record. The Marathon gold medal at Montreal was won in adidas. In the New Year’s San Paulo 1977 Marathon and Boston Marathon adidas came in first too.
