Yesterday we posted an old school 80s catalog featuring vintage running shoes at REI. Today we’ve got another couple of pages featuring the in house REI brand Second Wind Running Shoes and Nike Lady Oceania runners from the 80s. Check em out below.

Yesterday we posted an old school 80s catalog featuring vintage running shoes at REI. Today we’ve got another couple of pages featuring the in house REI brand Second Wind Running Shoes and Nike Lady Oceania runners from the 80s. Check em out below.
Here’s a vintage 1980s catalog for REI featuring some great 1980s sneakers. The shoes featured in this catalog are the Nike Pegasus Running Shoes, Nike New Internationalists, Nike Intrepid, REI Junior Winds, REI Equalizers, Adidas Oregon Trainers, Adidas Seattle, Adidas Tennis Champ, Reebok T.D., Reebok Victory G, Reebok Hurricane, New Balance 460 & W460, and Reebok Aerobic Energizers.
Back in the day the lure of the 70s "Running boom" was so strong that even REI dabbled in the running shoe game. Here's a 1979 vintage sneaker ad for their "Second Wind" running shoes. That double checkmark logo looks a little bit like the old PRO-Keds logo.
Ad info is below:
$19.95 ppd.
R.E.I. Second Wind lightweight trainer.
Excellent for hard surfaces.
Black waffle sole.
Seamless toe pocket for blister-free racing.
Outstanding arch support and shock absorption.
Nylon uppers, reinforced leather heel and toe. Offer expires 9-15-79
❑ Men's sizes: 6-12, 13. #D50-700. Color: Dark blue, Weight per pair: 9:2 oz.
❑ Women's sizes: 4-10. #D50-702. Color: Light blue. Weight per pair: 7.15.5 oz.
❑ Send me your free, fat catalog.
❑ I want to be a member. Here's my $2.
Order easy by calling toll free. 1-800-426-4840. Alaska and Hawaii call 800-426-4770. Washington State call 1-800-562-4894.
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Recreational Equipment Inc.
Seattle-Portland-Berkeley-Los Angeles- Anchorage-Minneapolis
The Original Outdoor Co-op—Est. 1938
P.O. Box C88127, Seattle, WA 98188