Here’s a 1985 Australian Kmart Trax vintage sneaker commercial from 1985 featuring cricketer Malcolm Marshall. According to Wikipedia “Marshall is widely regarded as the greatest and most accomplished fast bowler of the modern era in Test cricket.”
Karhu Synchron 1985 vintage sneaker ad
Here's an old school 1985 vintage sneaker ad for the Karhu Synchron model of running shoes. Karhu brought these back and they're available on their site over at
Ad info is below:
Europes Best
Karhu Synchron, a market leader in Scandinavia, winner of independent shoe tests in Germany and Austria. Now available in the United States. The Karhu Synchron features uncompromised durability, maximum directional stability, excellent shock absorption and comfortable support.
Our best All Terrain training shoe featuring
Air Cushion Shock Absorption
Double Fibreglass heel counter
Anatomical Insole
Synchron lacing Available in high tops
Call for Dealer information:
55 Green Mountain Drive
South Burlington, VT 05401
'Top Ranking, 1985 Stiftung Markentest, 1985 Konsument
Saucony Rod Dixon trainers vintage ad
Here's an old Saucony 1985 vintage ad for the Dixon trainers featuring New Zealander and NYC marathon winner Rod Dixon. The shoe featured the "Dixon Mattress" and the "Dixon Window." According to this ad the "Dixon Mattress" was an EVA midsole wedge that had tiny holes drilled in it for extra cushioning on impact. The "Dixon Window" was a collapsible backtab that would relieve nagging tension on your Achilles tendon over long runs. There was also a "supersoft protective insert under the metatarsal" (where the red stripe is) was supposed to provide a springy trampoline effect. Saucony still makes these shoes as the DXN trainer.
Ad info is below:
Rod Dixon wasn't satisfied until we put a mattress, a window and a trampoline in these shoes.
Before Rod Dixon let us put his name on these trainers, he took them for a run. And another. And another. And he came back with a few suggestions. First, he said, how about an EVA midsole wedge with tiny holes drilled in it. For extra cushioning on impact. We suggested the name Dixon Mattress. He said that would be just fine. Then, Rod said, how about a feature in the backtab that would relieve nagging tension on your Achilles tendon over long runs. We designed a collapsible backtab, suggested the name Dixon Window, and Rod said that would be just fine. Then, he said, it sure would be nice to build in a trampoline effect that adds spring during the toeing-off phase. Perhaps, he went on, a supersoft protective insert under the metatarsal head coupled with a flatter outsole. We agreed that would be just fine. Now, Rod Dixon is a world class runner. A New York Marathon winner. And a tough customer to satisfy. So when he said our Dixon Trainers were good enough to wear his name—that was good enough for us. Just one question remains: Are they good enough for you?
Division of Hyde Athletic Industries. 432 Columbia Street, Cambridge. Mass. 02141
Turntec 1985 vintage sneaker ad
Here's a cool old Turntec ad from 1985. These running shoes were designed by Jerry Turner who designed many of Brooks most popular sneakers, including the Villanova, Vantage and the Hugger.
Ad info is below:
"My new shoes don't conform to all the old shoe ideas. Just to your feet." Jerry Turner
"Over the years, I've probably designed more 5-Star running shoes than anyone. Including the Villanova, Vantage and the Hugger*. But my new Turntec shoes are by far the best. Up until now, running shoes were built on a flat form that didn't contour to the bottom of your foot. But my new Turntec anatomical design is built on a last that duplicates the shape of your foot.
Restraint without constraint.
My Turntec design with anatomical contour cradles foot firmly to help reduce sliding.
So when you run, a Turntec literally cradles your foot, holding it right where my cushioning and your own natural padding will
absorb the most impact. Your foot won't move around in the shoe. So shock is held to a minimum. Which translates to a lot more comfort for the rest of your body. And since there are some areas of your foot that absorb more shock than others, I've developed my special Variable Impact
- Firmness for control. Softness for protection.
My Variable Impact Pressure Sole (VIPS) Pressure Sole (VIPS) to be firm where you need control and softer where you need protection. One thing will shock you though. How little Turntecs cost. See your local Turntec dealer or call (800) 447-1166. In Maryland, (301) 356-2300. Try on a pair of my new Turntec shoes. And let comfort conform to your feet."
Ideas that conform to your feet.
Ordinary form My new form Ordinary shoes Turntec shoes
Heelbone under pressure
Villanova, Vantage and Hugger are registered trademarks of Wolverine World Wide. Inc.

Rare Sako brand 1984 and 1985 vintage sneaker ads
Adding to the archive, here's a set of vintage sneaker advertisements from the 1984 & 1985 for a brand called Sako. Sako is a really rare and obscure brand that was from Redwood City, CA. The three sneakers in the '84 ads are The “Sako Super,” Lady Tri-Eva and regular Tri-Eva. The marketing strategy associated with the Sako Super sneaker was strange because they were only trying to sell sneakers to supinators. The population of supinators was comprised of only 1 out of every 5 runners. In the third ad from 1985 they made another mind boggling decision to try to take their running shoes in a business casual direction. 👟💼🤔
Ad info for all of the ads is below:
Ad text for all ads is below:
Why One Runner Out of Every Five Should Wear This Shoe
We discovered through our Runner's Workshop that 20% of all people who run are supinators, not pronators. We also discovered that there were no shoes on the market to solve this prob-lem. The big shoe companies are all building shoes for the four out of five runners who aren't supinators. If your worn running shoes look like this—you are one out of five:
...and your next pair should look like this:
The new SAKO SUPER combines 4 major innovations to solve the supinators' problems by providing extra support and preventing lateral (outside) breakdown.
1. Increased torsional stability with full board-last construction.
2. Extended extra strength heel counter o both lateral and medial sides.
3. A special dual-compound midsole t ha prevents supination.
4. Patented Step-Rite outsole.
The new SAKO SUPER"' should be in yo favorite running shoe store by November 1. If not, call us, (415) 364-9928; we'll tell you where you can buy them. Or if`you get your favorite store to stock SAKO shoes your new SUPERS'' will be free.
California Footwear, Inc., 3100 Rolison Road, Redwood City, CA 94063.
Dealer inquiries invited!
Ad 2 info:
Why Beardsley, Benoit, Decker, Durden, Rodgers, Salazar, Scott, Shorter, or Virgin hasn't yet endorsed SAKO running shoes
...and John Doughty has!
Well, for one thing, it costs a lot of money these days to get a top athlete's endorsement of your product. And anyway, we're not sure anybody would believe the endorsement until they've had the chance to try the shoes for themselves. For another thing, we think John Doughty's endorsement is at least as meaningful as that of a top star, and maybe even more so. His tibias take just as much torment, his agonies on the home stretch are just as excruciating, and his shoes wear out just as fast. Maybe faster. And because the John Doughtys of this world aren't signing up many juicy endorsement contracts-let's face it, they aren't even getting free shoes-they're probably not as well heeled (no pun intended) as the stars, and wearing out r shoes is a serious matter. So we thought it was time somebody did something for John Doughty and his "middle of the packers."
Instead of spending our cash on getting endorsements, we decided to put it into better shoes, and at a price John can afford. There are other reasons behind our ability to make super shoes for less. Our com-mitment to save you money started in 1976 with Runners Workshop, our running shoe rebuilding division. From the priceless knowledge we gained from resoling and rebuilding over 100,000 pairs of shoes, we designed and produced a better one. Every SAKO shoe is made specially to accept our resoling process. and we back our top-of-the-line models, such as Tri-Eva, with a free resole! Now John Doughty can double his mileage with SAKO. You too can get more run for your money by running down to your favorite store and trying on a pair of our new SAKO shoes. If SAKO is scarce in your area, call or write for your free color brochure. And remember, when you see elite athletes wearing our shoes. you'll know we didn't buy their endorsement, we earned it.
California Footwear, Inc. 3100 Rolison Rd., Redwood City, CA 94063. (415) 364-9928
say "SOCKO"
Lady Tri-Eva 👟 Tri-Eva 👟
Dealer inquiries invited!
Ad 3 info:
Who says you can't wear your running shoes to work?
The boss, that's who. And though he isn't always right, he's always the boss! But now you can get around him. You can wear running shoes to work and he'll never know the difference. Because SAKO makes work shoes using running shoe technology, shoes with the glove-like fit, feather-weight, and superb comfort of your favorite running shoes, but also with the durability, support, and appearance of work shoes.
The world's most comfortable (and lightest) work shoes come in enough styles and colors to fit any job, whether you work in a supermarket or a restaurant, a post office or a factory, a hospital or a casino, whether you drive a truck, handle baggage, pound a beat, or work in the executive suite. And instead of the first thing you do when you get home at night, taking off your shoes will be the last thing you want to do.
BROWN UNION # 5035 👟 ASPEN # 5112 👟 TRANSIT # 5133 👟
PRESIDIO # 5111 👟 LIBERTY # 5119 👟 MONTEREY # 5117 👟
If your regular shoe store or your running shoe store isn't yet carrying SAKO work shoes, we apologize; we're getting the word out—and the shoes—as fast as we can. Write us and we'll contact you with the nearest SAKO dealer.
For the store nearest you call TOLL FREE (800)-FOR SAKO In California call (415) 364-9928
Dealer Inquiries Invited
Say “Socko”
California Footwear, Inc.
3100 Rolison Road
Redwood City, CA 94063