Please note that these sneakers are for sale by auction now at our eBay shop! The auction opens at .99 cents and will run from 5/15/2023 - 5/22/2023.
Back in the mid-80s there was a strange phenomenon that seemingly came out of nowhere with a bunch of sneakers coming in 'Tobacco' and 'Camel' color reddish brown suede, including adidas and other bigger brands. Specs, now known only as Pro-Specs, was based in Massachusetts back then but is now based in Korea. Back in the 80s Specs were on the periphery of the footwear market. You wouldn't see them at standard sporting good stores but they'd turn up in smaller shops from time to time. They did make some legit looking kicks and were selling shoes in the US from around 1976 to the mid 80s but the US market must've been hard to break into. This pair was definitely inspired by some of the adidas models from around that time.