Please note that these sneakers are for sale by auction now at our eBay shop! The auction opens at .99 cents and will run from 5/15/2023 - 5/22/2023.
Spalding is one of America’s oldest sporting goods companies dating back to 1876. While the company is mostly known for producing basketballs Spalding has made products for many other sports over the years.
Back in the late 1970s and early 1980s Spalding dabbled in running shoes and other types of sneakers. This pair of Spalding sneakers are likely from the early 1980’s and were made in Korea. The come donning the “Spalding Wings” of their day which are pretty close to the Bally sneaker profile logo. 🤔 As with most vintage sneakers they have the yellow glue lines giving away their age but all in all this is a rad pair of retro runners.
One side note and cool piece of Spalding history was that they managed to collaborate on a Clyde Frazier sponsorship after his Puma contract ended. While Clyde’s are heavily associated with Puma every once in awhile you’ll see some vintage Spalding Clyde’s with wings pop up out there and they are some awesome kicks.
For more on old school Spalding shoes check out the Super Flite sneaker ad here and here as well as a great Terry Bradshaw 1979 commercial here.